Recykling w modzie - projekt w Gminnym Ośrodku Kultury/Recycling in fashion - project at the Municipal Cultural Center

GOK Młodzież

Young people from the Żurawica commune are implementing the project "Recycling in fashion - a message of fashion".
We are after the paper wicker workshops, and meanwhile we collect used things, objects, and then transform them into an artistic work. The young people activated their imaginations, they planned and designed their outfits, collected and bought the necessary materials to create them. There were a lot of ideas, she also thought about special accessories such as umbrellas, hats, handbags, beads, flowers.

Opowieść Wigilijna/Christmas story

In the people's house in Orzechowce on January 12, 2020, you could see a performance prepared by the residents of Orzechowce and directed by Elżbieta Dykas from the Commune Cultural Center.

Ferie z Gminnym Ośrodkiem Kultury w Żurawicy/ Holidays at the Cultural Center in Żurawica

plakat ferie 2020

During the winter holidays in 2020, the Commune Cultural Center has prepared an offer for children aged 6 to 15. The offer includes organized leisure in the form of two stays with meals, for which registration is required and a fee of PLN 20 for 1 day of participation of one child, and a form of free art classes every Friday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. During the winter holidays, it will be possible to play games, including pin-pong, in the common room. karta_kwalifikacyjna_uczestnika_ferii.pdf

We cordially invite you.


Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Żurawicy

Communal Cultural Center in Żurawica with headquarters in the Wyszatyce

address: 37-722, Wyszatyce 160

e-mail address:


(16) 736 3610 - secretariat

(16) 736 36 12 - technical department

The People's House in Wyszatycy is open from Monday to Friday from the hours of 900 to 1700

Statut Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury

Statute of the Municipal Cultural Center, given by resolution No. XLVIII / 327/18 of the COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL dated March 16, 2018

The commune council of Żurawica adopted the creation of a self-government cultural institution under the name of the Municipal Cultural Center in Żurawica, based in Wyszatyce.

Koncert Zespołu Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury/Concert of the band

December 30, 2018

In the spectacular hall of the People's House in Wyszatyce, a concert of Christmas Carols and Pastorals organized by the Youth Instrumental and Vocal Ensemble, organized in the Communal Cultural Center, was organized.

A concert tour of the band was planned, followed by the remaining towns of the Żurawica commune, implemented in January 2019.*

*automatic translation

Warsztaty w Centrum Kulturalnym/Workshops at the Cultural Center

December 16, 2018

In the Cultural Center in Przemyśl, the competition for the "Christmas nativity scene and caroling accessories" was held, to which several works of participants of community activities in the Communal Cultural Center were submitted. All creators received distinctions in the CK competition, and GOK as an institution received thanks for allowing creators to participate in the competition.


December 22, 2018

In the hall of the People's House in Wyszatyce, there was a vernissage of the exhibition of artworks created in the GOK common rooms.*

Magiczny Grudzień w GOK/Magic December

December 2018

In December 2018, in the Communal Cultural Center in Żurawica, permanent classes were introduced in the day-care centers: in Wyszatyce, Bolestraszyce and in Orzechowce, where youth, children and adults met. During the opening hours you could play pool, table tennis, chess or other board games.

Śpiew łączy pokolenia/Singing connects generations

In November, group vocal classes for children and youth led by a music instructor were introduced at the Community Center of Culture in Żurawica at the People's House in Wyszatycy. A Youth Instrumental and Vocal Ensemble was created, which gathered young people living in various localities of the Żurawica commune. Conditions have been created for organizing regular musical rehearsals for them, as well as for the "Wyszatyczanie" Singing Group, preparing for performances at festivals and reviews organized in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.

November 11, 2018

Narodowe Czytanie/National Reading


GOK cooperating with the Primary School in Wyszatyce, joined in the nationwide National Reading campaign. Created for the occasion, the scenery of the show hall, the presentation of the exhibition "Roads to Independence" and selected fragments from the novella Przedwiośnie Stefan Żeromski, introduced listeners to the atmosphere of the years just before Poland regained its independence. The Municipal Cultural Center provided photorelation from this event.*

*automatic translation


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