Aktualności GOK

Informacja o ograniczeniu działalności DOMU KULTURY oraz pracy zdalnej Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury w Żurawicy

Szanowni Państwo

w związku z decyzją Prezesa Rady Ministrów RP o ograniczeniu działalności instytucji kultury, spowodowaną rozprzestrzenianiem się koronawirusa, informujemy, że pracować będziemy w trybie pracy zdalnej i zachęcamy do śledzenia naszej działalności online, do odwiedzania strony GOK http://zurawica.org, naszej obecności na facebook.com/Gminny-Ośrodek-Kultury-w-Żurawicy.

Książka "Białe noce i czarne dnie"/White Nights and Black Days

Dear Sir or Madam,

Warsztaty wiklina papierowa

We invite you to the workshops

Wyjazd Młodzieży Wakacje 2020/Roller Tour

GOK wrotki

Youth trip to Rzeszów. The main attraction was competitive roller skating. It was great, and at the end of the day pizza and ice cream :)

Konkurs kulinarny/culinary competition

The Local Action Group "Ziemia Przemyska" invites you to take part in the culinary competition. The condition for participation is sending a photo of the dish.

Recykling w modzie - projekt w Gminnym Ośrodku Kultury/Recycling in fashion - project at the Municipal Cultural Center

GOK Młodzież

Young people from the Żurawica commune are implementing the project "Recycling in fashion - a message of fashion".
We are after the paper wicker workshops, and meanwhile we collect used things, objects, and then transform them into an artistic work. The young people activated their imaginations, they planned and designed their outfits, collected and bought the necessary materials to create them. There were a lot of ideas, she also thought about special accessories such as umbrellas, hats, handbags, beads, flowers.

Opowieść Wigilijna/Christmas story

In the people's house in Orzechowce on January 12, 2020, you could see a performance prepared by the residents of Orzechowce and directed by Elżbieta Dykas from the Commune Cultural Center.

Ferie z Gminnym Ośrodkiem Kultury w Żurawicy/ Holidays at the Cultural Center in Żurawica

plakat ferie 2020

During the winter holidays in 2020, the Commune Cultural Center has prepared an offer for children aged 6 to 15. The offer includes organized leisure in the form of two stays with meals, for which registration is required and a fee of PLN 20 for 1 day of participation of one child, and a form of free art classes every Friday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. During the winter holidays, it will be possible to play games, including pin-pong, in the common room. karta_kwalifikacyjna_uczestnika_ferii.pdf

We cordially invite you.


Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Żurawicy

Communal Cultural Center in Żurawica with headquarters in the Wyszatyce

address: 37-722, Wyszatyce 160

e-mail address: gok@zurawica.org


(16) 736 3610 - secretariat

(16) 736 36 12 - technical department

The People's House in Wyszatycy is open from Monday to Friday from the hours of 900 to 1700

Statut Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury

Statute of the Municipal Cultural Center, given by resolution No. XLVIII / 327/18 of the COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL dated March 16, 2018

The commune council of Żurawica adopted the creation of a self-government cultural institution under the name of the Municipal Cultural Center in Żurawica, based in Wyszatyce.


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